Misi Liu Artist, Journalist and Independent Curator B. China. Working at London.
Education: 2009--2011. MA Fine Art. University of the Art’s London. Chelsea Art and Design College.UK 2005--2009. BFA Printmaking. Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art.China
Lecture: A Gallery - Relationship between art organization and public 2014. Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art. China Possibility in an exhibition 2014. Hunan Agricultural University Relational Art exhibitions 2016. Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art. China
Article: Printmaking in London now. (2011.Sep). Art Observation. China Innovation in time. (2012.May). Art and Design. China Frieze London 2014 (2014.Nov) Art Bank.China Psychology of Auction (2014.Dec) Art Bank.China
Exhibition: 2011:Cheers Exhibition 2011 UK China Art and Design Festival.Great Western Studios.London.UK 2011: Summer Show 2011 Chelsea MA Final show.Chelsea college Art and Design College Art space.London.UK 2011: Chisenhale Exhibition Salon Show. Chisenhale Gallery. London.UK 2011:Show+ing - the young Chinese wave. Concourse Gallery, Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design. London, UK 2011:Interim Art Show. Chelsea Art and Design College Art Space.London.UK 2010:Final Show Art Show. Chelsea Art and Design College Art Space.London.UK 2010:Triangle Art Show. Chelsea Art and Design College Art Space. London UK 2010:My Space Art Show. Chelsea Art and Design College Art Space. London.UK 2009:This Times Art Show. Guangzhou. Guangzhou Academy of Fine art Gallery. China 2008:39°C Female Artist Show. Vitamin Space. Guangzhou. China 2008:Youth Art Show. Art College of Zurich Gallery. Zurich. Switzerland. 2006:Guangdong Yong Artist Show. Guangzhou University Art Gallery. China 2006:Guangdong Yong Artist Show. Guangzhou. Guangzhou Academy of Fine art Gallery. China 2006:Guangzhou Biennale. Guangdong Loft345 Art Gallery. Guangdong, China. 2005:Guangdong Art Exhibition. Guangdong Art Gallery. Guangdong, China.